A quartet of 6ft x 2ft (yoga mat sized) hooked ‘yarn paintings’ speak to the rewards of both personal ritual and communal practice as an antidote to other numbing habits, addictions and distractions. This crafting ‘makes permanent’, not perfect, creating more ease and receptivity to adaptive growth, and new dimensions of perception and renewal.
'In//habit' embodies a deep and universal rumbling, and an undeniable reckoning toward connection. A tactile transmutation of shame to grace, fear to love, woe to wisdom.

Initiation: 1. the action of beginning something. 2. the introduction of someone to a particular activity or skill. 3. the action of admitting someone into a secret or group, typically through ritual.
Purification: 1. the removal of contaminants from something. 2. the process of extracting something from a substance. 3. the process of making something spiritually or ceremonially clean.
Transmutation: 1. the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form. 2. the change of some essential element into a superior form.
Contemplation: 1. the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a very long time. 2. deep reflective thought. 3. a form of prayer or meditation in which a person seeks to pass beyond mental images and concepts to a direct experience of the divine.