
"Working with Marina is collaborative, strategic, and visionary. She translates hard-to-articulate concepts into resonant visual metaphors and storytelling that honour your objectives in a curious, authentic, and creative way.

During the shoot, there is no hiding behind facades or fake smiles. She can see the veneer creep in and makes it vanish with a playful reminder to breathe. There is no ego. She isn't afraid to experiment or lie down in the grass to get the shot she wants.

Marina sees you through her unique, artistic, loving lens and captures what is most true about you. What a gift it is to be seen by Marina."

Sara Smeaton, Midlife Coach

Sara Smeaton Coaching

Essence of Life Wellness

Golden Thread Leadership

Album Covers

Exit, K-OS

JUNO Award for Best Album Design of The Year 2003, Marina Dempster (photography: layered textures), Nelson Garcia, Steve Goode (design), Margaret Malandruccolo (photography: portraits).

Housebroken, Paisley Jura

Design by Sheree Stephenson

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