

Amid a sea of sumptuous paintings, I am grateful that Artwrk has embraced a new sculptural work entitled:

“EMERGE FROM TRANCE”, a large-scale ready to hang soft sculpture using luminescent threads – 30″ x 30″ x 8″.

‘TONDO’ curated by Alissa Sexton, features 23 Canadian artists presenting round artworks.


‘Emerge from Trance’ is intended as a buoying invitation for contemplation – in any given moment and anywhere – even in the dark.

What kind of trance might I find myself in?  A trance of unworthiness? Addiction? Judgement? Perfectionism? Consumerism? Striving? And at what cost both personally and collectively? In my trance, am I believing in my insufficiencies or am I awake to the power I have to use my unbounded imagination?

I have found personal change requires me to look where there is resistance, as Sarah Polley’s new book title suggests, a counter-instinctual ‘Run Towards the Danger’ approach. Befriending the shadows has been the first step to seeing in a new light. All I have to work with is each moment as it presents itself. Do I believe myself to be a victim, a boey or even a beacon?

‘Emerge from Trance’ is a piece of visual encouragement to emerge, grow, and glow.

Much TO DO about ‘TONDO’!

I thought it funny to read that a few famous artists were revered for their ability to draw a ‘perfect’ freehand circle, such as Picasso, Leonardo, and Giotto…and as I write this, I am noticing that they all have names ending in “O”…perhaps the secret was was in the frequent practice that the writing of their names obliged! I would love to see a Yoko Ono ensō – that’s 4 ‘O’s! Of course no matter how ‘perfect’ a hand drawn circle is inevitably as unique as the individual.

I am only just making sense of my forever obsession with collecting circular detritus….through my photography or rusty washers on the street, limpet shells pecked through their middle, or the $5 vintage garage sale life buoy that inspired this recent soft sculpture.

My daughter’s first word was an exclamation –  ‘Ba!’ (for ball). She would point excitedly at anything and everything she recognized as circular, as though each were a miracle. Much like her, when I see the circles appear in the mundane of my everyday, I choose to see these as directional signs; invitations to emerge from whatever trance I might have been in, and enter into life’s mystery, more open, curious, present and alert to possibility.

P.S. I still have one wearable silk scarf left called ‘T/rust’ that was part of last year’s Sovereign/ties exhibition I curated at The Lyceum gallery.

Click here to view or to acquire:

“T/RUST” Silk Scarf


Marina Dempster

“Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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